2020-09-09 10:03 2次- 发布企业
- 上海全程展览展示有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第8年主体名称:上海全程展览展示有限公司组织机构代码:913101125574884458
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 关键词
- 2021日本东京国际鞋展览会,日本东京国际鞋展,日本鞋展
- 所在地
- 上海市闵行区莲花南路1951号格兰大厦403
- 手机
- 13370276076
- 总经理
- 严生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Tokyo International Footwear Exhibition is the largest footwearexhibition in Japan. It is held twice a year. It is held in Tokyoin April and October every year. The exhibition effect isremarkable and the satisfaction of exhibitors is high. Nearly 100Chinese enterprises go to Japan to participate in the exhibitionevery year, all of which have achieved good results. The lastexhibition attracted nearly 950 shoe enterprises from nearly 30countries to gather together, with a wide range of products, andnearly 63000 visitors. The organizer is Reed Exhibitions Japan.Spring 2021 fashion shoes exhibition will be held in Tokyo Bigsight from April 7-9, 2021. It is estimated that more than 1000manufacturers from 25 countries and regions will participate in theexhibition, attracting more than 60000 industryvisitors.
2021年日本東京國際鞋類展覽會|2021日本鞋展| シューズショー
Tokyo Shoes Expo 2021
展馆名称:日本东京国际展览中心(Tokyo Big Sight);
主办单位:日本励展展览公司(Reed Exhibitions Japan);
Reason a: looking for Japanese Importers and distributors - thekey for the company's products to enter the Japanese market is tofind Japanese high-quality importers. The best shortcut for seekinghigh-quality importers is to participate in the professionalfootwear exhibition in Japan. The exhibition is the bestnegotiation and trading place for building shoe manufacturers andJapanese footwear import distributors.
Reason B. face to face talks with large Japanese retailers - thevolume of imported fashion clothing in Japan is increasing everyyear. In order to meet the market demand, many large retailers willcome to the exhibition to find new products. This is the bestopportunity to promote your products and designs.
理由C.与日本厂商和代理商直接进行关于OEM/ODM(代工)的商谈——日本时尚鞋展是促成OEM/ODM (代工)业务的圣地。大多数日本潮流厂商和代理商都会参加展会,寻找新产品和代工工厂。如果您想拓展展OEM/ODM(代工)业务,请贵公司备齐产品和工厂信息,来展会 参展。
Reason C. direct negotiation with Japanese manufacturers andagents on OEM / ODM (OEM) - Japan fashion shoes exhibition is theholy land to promote OEM / ODM (OEM) business. Most Japanesefashion manufacturers and agents will attend the exhibition,looking for new products and OEM factories. If you want to expandOEM / ODM (OEM) business, please prepare product and factoryinformation to participate in the exhibition.
Reason D. study the Japanese market - please prepare yourproduct line and complete the market research. You can compare theproducts of other exhibitors to find the most suitable products forthe Japanese market. In addition to the direct transaction with theseller, you can also do more in-depth market research for enteringthe Japanese market.
日本东京国际鞋展是日本醉大的鞋类展览会,一年两届,每年四月和十月固定在日本东京举办,展会效果显著,展商满意度高,每年有近百家中国企业去日本参展,均获得较好效果。上届展会吸引了来自近30个国家近950家鞋企汇聚一堂,产品琳琅满目,争奇斗艳,有近63000人观众莅临展会现场。主办单位为日本励展展览公司(ReedExhibitions Japan)。2021年春季时尚鞋展将于2021年4月7-9日在Tokyo BigSight展出,预估将有来自25个国家和地区的1000多家厂商参展,将吸引60,000多位业内访客到场参观。
① Men's shoes, women's shoes, children's shoes, leather shoes,rubber shoes, fashion shoes, sports shoes, indoor shoes, laborprotection shoes (boots), vulcanized shoes, slippers, boots, rainshoes, dance shoes, leisure shoes, beach shoes and other finishedshoes.
② Bags, leather goods, handbags, shoe materials, shoe machines,etc.
联系人:闫树刚135 0183 6458(兼微信)
传真 021-51714598
Q Q:2919982106
成立日期 | 2015年06月26日 | ||
法定代表人 | 闫泽学 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 展会服务,展会招商,主要国内展会和境外日本东京各大展会 | ||
经营范围 | 展览展示服务,会务服务,礼仪服务,商务信息咨询(除经纪),设计制作各类广告,文化办公用品销售。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 上海品端展览有限公司是上海福贸展览服务有限公司旗下的专业展览公司主营:国外展会:日本体育展,日本服装展,日本箱包展,日本鞋展,日本礼品展,日本杂货展,日本健身器材展,日本劳保展,日本高尔夫展,日本园艺花卉展,日本酒店用品展,日本餐具厨具展,日本婴童用品展,日本服装配饰展,日本高性能展,日本运动用品展,大阪AFF服装展,大阪工厂用品展,大阪工业设备展,日本促销品展,日本户外用品展国内展会:上海劳保展 ... |
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