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The 24nd China InternationalIndustrial Expo Shanghai Industrial Expo




ChinaInternational Industry Fair, or CIIF, is jointly organized by sevenChinese Ministries, United Nations Industrial DevelopmentOrganization and Shanghai Municipal People s Government,co-organized by China Machinery Industry Federation and managed byDonghao Lansheng (Group) Co., Ltd. CIIF, a leading event onhigh-end, smart and green manufacturing in China, is staged inautumn annually in Shanghai.

Since CIIF'slaunch in 1999, CIIF has become a leading brand event with alargest scale, most function and highest level in China, throughimplementing“ professionalization, marketization,internationalization and branding” as its strategies for over 20years. CIIF, an UFI approved event, is an important window andplatform open to the world for international trade, communicationand cooperation on industrial scope.


数控机床与金属加工展 metalworking and CNC Machine Tool Show

中国工博会的核心专业展之一,国内领 先的国 际性金属加工技术展,重点关注金属切削加工 技术、钣金、冲压、成形技术,检验测量设备、金 属 3D打印、及先进功能部件和材料等领域,致 力为厂商提供优质参展体验,为专 业观众提供 “ 信息咨询、技术交流、设备采购一站式 ”综合服务。

MWCS is one ofthe core theme shows of CIIF. It's a leading internationalmetalworking trade show in China. MWCS focuses on metal-cutting,sheet metal working, metal forming & fabricating, inspecting &measuring, metal 3D printing, advanced functional parts, metallicmaterial and etc. It's committed to provide exhibitors and visitorswith One-Stop Service, covering intelligence communicating andcorporate purchasing.

工业自动化展 Industrial Automation Show

作为工业自动化领域的年度行业盛会,工业自动化展携同众多自动化领域领 先企业,集中展示智能制造的核心技术和前端产品,聚焦 工业 4.0 理念的落地,工业物联网,智能工厂等热点话题,着力打造自动化领域内的细分市场,重点推出嵌入式技术展区、运动控制系 统展区、智能传感与连接、传动与气动等专 业展区,为广大参展商与 专业观众提供更高效的参与体验。

IAS, an annualgrand gathering of industrial automation, showcases the coretechnologies and cutting-edge products of intelligentmanufacturing, focuses on the application of industry 4.0technologies, as well as IIoT, digital factory and other topics.IAS builds a market segment of industrial automation and create thekey exhibition areas such as embedded technology, motion controlsystem, smart sensor & connector, drive & pneumatic, provideefficient experience to the participators.

节能环保技术与设备展 Environmental Protection Technology & E

节能环保技术与设备展是“中国国际工业博览会”旗下的一个关于节能配套设备在工业领域运用的专 业展会,分节能与工业配套展、园区展两大板块,是专注工业清洁技术、防尘防爆技术、高效节能技术、核心基础零部件及配套、园区经济的国际盛会,为业内同行相识、相聚、相交提供了理想的商务平台。

Backing with thebasic state policies on environmental protection, EPTES whichincludes EISS (Energy-Saving & Industrial Supply Show) and IPS(Industrial Park Show), mainly showcases the latest innovations onindustrial cleaning, industrial wastes disposal, highly efficientenergy-saving technology, core basic components and industrial parkeconomy as well as presents the visitors leading industrialenvironmental protection e and green-industryconcepts.

新一代信息技术与应用展(工业互联网展) Information & Communication Technology Show(Industrial Internet Show)

新一代信息技术与应用展/工业互联网展聚焦“工业互联网”,重点突出在万物互联的新一代信息技术发展趋势下,工 业互联网关键技术带动传统制造业向人、机、物全面互联,并呈现丰富多元的数字化、智能化发展的应用案例与场景展示。

Information &Communication Technology Show/Industrial Internet Show (ICTS/IIS)focuses on "Industrial Internet". Under the new generation ofinformation technology development trend of Internet of Everything,ICTS/IIS emphasizes that Industrial Internet key technology drivestraditional manufacture to the comprehensive interconnection ofhuman, machine and material, with abundant application cases anddigital demonstration of digital and intelligentdevelopment.

能源技术与设备展 Energy Show

面向新能源电力、智能电网、工业电器以及电力与电工技术和设备的专业展 会,展现能源与电力行业的绿色、效能及解决方案,旨在为电力领域,从制造、供应、输送、能源的整合和互联到终用户提供一个采购、销售、技术 交流平台。

ES is a tradeshow for new energy electric, smart grid, industrial electricale, power generation and distribution, and electricaltechnology. It shows energy efficiency and power solutions forenergy and electric industry. ES focuses on building a platform fortrading, technology communication among manufacture, supply,distribution, energy management and end-users.

新能源与智能网联汽车展 New Energy Auto Show

中国的国际性新能源与智能网联汽车展览会,受到国内外知 名整车及零部件生产厂商的热烈追捧。展会力求大限度地发挥影响力和吸引力,搭建政府、企业和市场的互动平台。展会同期举办系列活动:“新能源与智能网联汽车产业发展高峰论坛”引领行业趋势,“i蓝天购车节”活动,吸引了100余款车型参与。

NEAS is theleading international new energy auto show in China, warmlywelcomed by domestic and international auto manufacturers and autoparts companies. It is committed to serve the whole industry,building an interactive platform for government, business andmarket. There are series of activities held in the same period,such as "New Energy and Intelligent Connected Vehicle IndustryDevelopment Summit", leading the development trend of automobileindustry, and "Love Blue Sky Car-Purchasing Festival" , whichattracts more than 100 car models to participate in thisactivity.

机器人展 Robotics Show

2012年设立机器人展区,2013年首 次独立设主题展为工业机器人展,2015年更名为机器 人展,2016年首 次在展内设立服务机器人体 验专区和高校科研创新展示区,2017年设立“中国馆”和“国际馆”,2018年深化“中 国馆”和“国际馆”主题。机器人展每年精 准 把握产业发展趋势,紧贴市场需求,携手国内 外知名机器人厂商,共同打造集展示、交流、 贸易、服务于一体的国际盛会。

As a new-launchedtrade show in 2013, Robotics Show provides a best business platformfor professionals to meet and change ideas. In 2016, RS set up theservice robot zone and constitution achievement zone. In 2017, RSset up "Chinese Hall" and "International Hall". In 2018, the twothemed halls are rooted among the industry peers. With the successof previous sessions, RS has become an international event and beenconsidered one of the most attractive trade shows in robotics fieldby industry peers.

科技创新展 Scientific & Technological Innovation Show

中国工博会旗下展示原创性科学研究和技术创新成果的展会。自1999年工博会创办以来,科技创新展始终是中国工博会的主题展 之一,每年吸引了一大批科技系统、教育系统、中科院系统及境内外企业的创新成果展示。展会鼓励拥有自主知识产权的独特技 术,通过原始创新、集成创新和引进技术再创新等手段促进向生产力转化。

STIS is a tradeshow showcasing the achievements by originated scientific research& development and technical innovations. As one of the theme showsu nder CIIF since 1999, STIS attracted numbers of great innovativefindings by the domestic institutes under Ministry of Science andTechnology and Ministry of Education, and corporations from bothChina and overseas. As an exhibitor, you can unveil your uni with independent intellectual property rights andpromote the science and technology to be production by innovationsbased on originated, integrated and introducedtechnique.

新材料产业展 New Material Industry Show

新材料产业展作为中国工博会专业展,主要围绕新一代信息技术、高 档数控机床和机器人、航空航天装备、节能与新能源汽车、海洋工程装备及高技术船舶、先进轨道交通装备、电力装备、生物医药及高性能医疗器械等高端制造领域配套材料和石墨烯、高温超导等前沿材料进行技术交流、经贸协作,为新材料及其应用企业搭建展示、洽谈、交易的平台。

NMIS showcaseshigh-end manufacturing materials used on new generation ofinformation technology, high-end CNC machine tools and robotics,aerospace e, energy saving and new energy vehicles, marineengineering e and high technology, advanced shipping railtransportation e, power e, biological medicine, andcutting-edge material technologies like graphene andhigh-temperature superconductivity. NMIS is a platform to havetechnology exchange, economy and trade cooperation, as well asproducts transaction for enterprises on new material and itsapplications.


中国工博会是经国务院批准的唯一具有评奖功能的大型国际工业博览会,作为展会四大功能之一,本届工博会评奖工作以“ 公平、公正、公开 ”为原则,在瞄准中国智能制造,发展实体经济,更好地聚焦自主创新,聚焦产业升级 转型的背景下,以“ 创新、智能、绿色”为主题,评选出一批标志性智能制 造领域的 新成果。根据评奖管理办法,第 20 届中国工博会共评出 40 项获奖展品,其中特别荣誉奖 1 项、金奖 4 项、创新金奖 4 项、工业设计金奖 4 项、 银奖 14 项、创新银奖 13项。

Approved by theState Council, CIIF is the only major industry exposition of theawards function in China, As one of the four functions of theexhibition, the committee appraise and elected 40 awards in anadjust, fair and open way. Aiming at intelligent manufacturing,developing the real economy, focusing on independent innovation andfocusing on industrial upgrading and transformation, the committeeselected a number of the latest achievements in the field ofintelligent manufacturing based on the theme of "Innovation,Intelligence, Green". CIIF 2018 awards issued 1 special honoraryaward, 4 gold awards, 4 gold awards for innovation, 4 gold awardsfor industrial design, 14 silver awards and 13 silver awards forinnovation.


第二十届中国工博会得到了境内外各媒体以及专业领域媒体的广泛关注,新华社、中央电视台、中国日报、东方卫视、第 一财经、上海人民广播电台、大公报、美联社等境内外媒体都对中国工博会盛况予以了及时报道,上海市政府新闻办公室在展前举行了专题新闻发布会,此外,人民网、新华网、东方网、看看新闻网等网络和新媒体都给予了详细报道。 CIIF 2018 achieved greatattention and well-reported in domestic and international media.The media such as Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, SMG News, Dragon TV,CBN, Shanghai People's Broadcasting Station, China Daily, Ta KungPao, Associated Press, and other medias were flourishing report ofCIIF 2018. The Shanghai Municipal Government held a pre-show pressconference in Shanghai. In addition, New media on internet such aspeople.cn, Xinhua, Eastday, Knews gave a detailedreport.

所属分类:中国展会网 / 机械、工业、设备展
2024第24届中国国际工业博览会-工博会的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
经营范围会务服务,展览展示服务,企业管理咨询,商务信息咨询,企业形象策划,货物运输代理,电脑图文设计、制作,日用百货、服装、鞋帽、针纺织品批发、零售。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】
公司简介本公司是一家从事大型国际展览、商务会议及相关配套业务全方位服务的专业会展公司;目前与国家多个行业协会和国际著名展览公司建立了长期友好的合作关系;团队设有展览部、设计搭建部、电子商务部、订房服务部等;诚信务实、开放创新是我们公司团队服务的宗旨,我们的团队将继续秉承公司精诚合作、服务第一的永恒理念,总结经验,快速发展与更多的业内人士共同打造更具价值的会展服务平台;为展商、供应商、采购商等众多的业内人士 ...
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