2020-12-23 17:28 1次- 发布企业
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- 上海汽车底盘展,上海AMEE报名处,2020上海汽车底盘展
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[Detailedexplanation of automobile chassis structure and foursystems]
[1、 The function is to connect theframe and the axle elastically, absorb or mitigate the impact andvibration of the wheel on the uneven road surface, and transfervarious forces and moments.
2、 The composition is generallycomposed of three parts: elastic element, guide device and shockabsorber.
3、 Type suspension can be dividedinto independent suspension and non independent suspension.]
1、独立悬架 (如下图a所示)。
2、非独立悬架 (如下图b所示)。
1. Independent suspension (as shown in figure a below).
The characteristics of independent suspension are: each side ofthe wheel is suspended under the frame by spring separately. Whenone side of the wheel is running out, the operation of the otherside of the wheel will not be affected. In independent suspension,coil spring and torsion bar spring are used as elastic elements,and guide device and shock absorber are used. Independentsuspension is widely used in cars.
2. Independent suspension (as shown in Figure B below).
The feature of non independent suspension is that the wheels onboth sides are respectively installed on the same integral car, andthe car is connected with the frame through elastic elements. Whenone side of the wheel of the suspension is bouncing, the other sideof the wheel will also be bouncing. Leaf spring is widely used aselastic element in non independent suspension, which is widely usedin medium and heavy vehicles.
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4、 Elastic element
The elastic elements used in suspension include leaf spring,spiral spring, torsion bar spring, air spring, oil air spring,rubber spring, etc.
a. Leaf spring
Leaf spring is also called leaf spring. It is composed of anumber of different length alloy spring sheets which are superposedtogether to form a beam of approximately equal strength. The firstpiece (the longest piece) of leaf spring is called the main piece,and its two ends are bent into rolling ears with bronze or plasticor rubber inside. The bushing made of powder metallurgy is hingedwith a spring pin and a bracket or lifting lug fixed on the frame.The middle of leaf spring is fixed with U-bolt and axle.
The leaf spring deforms under the action of load, and there isfriction between the plates due to relative sliding, which canpromote the vibration attenuation of the frame. The dry frictionbetween the plates will transfer the impact force to the frame, andincrease the friction loss of the plates. Therefore, whenassembling, apply a thick lubricant (graphite grease) between eachpiece, and maintain it regularly.
b. Coil spring
The coil spring is made of spring steel bar. They havecylindrical coil spring with constant rigidity and conical coilspring with variable rigidity.
Coil spring is mostly used in independent suspension, especiallyin front independent suspension. Some car rear wheel independentsuspension also use coil spring as elastic element. Since the coilspring only bears vertical load, the suspension used as elasticelement should be equipped with guide mechanism and shock absorber.Compared with leaf spring, it has the characteristics of nolubrication, strong antifouling, small longitudinal spaceoccupation and small spring quality, so it is widely used in moderncars.
c. Torsion bar spring
The torsion bar spring assembly is made of chrome vanadium alloyspring steel, and its surface is very smooth after processing.Generally, in order to protect the surface of torsion bar, epoxyresin is coated on it, and a layer of glass fiber is coated, thenepoxy resin is coated, and finally asphalt and antirust paint arecoated to prevent friction and damage to the surface, so as toimprove the service life of torsion bar spring.
d. Gas spring
There are two kinds of gas spring: air spring and oil gasspring.
The gas spring uses air as the elastic medium, that is to say,compressed air (air pressure is 0.5 ~ 1MPa) is put into a closedcontainer, and the function of the spring is realized by thecompressibility of the gas. This kind of elastic element is calledair spring. It is divided into bag type and membrane type airspring. Air spring is used in car, especially in active suspension.With the increase of load, the pressure of compressed air in thecontainer increases, so the spring stiffness increases, the loaddecreases, and the spring pressure decreases with the decrease ofair pressure, so the spring has ideal elasticcharacteristics.
Oil gas spring takes gas (nitrogen inert gas) as elastic mediumand oil as force transmitting medium.
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