宁波消博会/浙江宁波消博会/宁波消博会|中国日用消费品展/ 宁波消博会---政府展会/ 宁波消博会/ 宁波消博会时间/中国日消品展
第22届“消博会”(CICGF )将于2024年5月16-20日举办,展览面积12万平方米,设文具礼品及装饰品、家居用品、厨卫用品、进口商品及外贸服务4大展区。
AboutForeign Economy and Trade
Ningbo boastsa long history. It is the birthplace of the "NeolithicHe mudu Culture" dating backmore than 7,000 years. Ningbo became one of the three ports forforeign trade in China as early as the 7th century.Nowadays, Ningbo-zhoushan port has become one of the most importantports in China. In 2018, Ningbo-zhoushan port toppedworldwide in the light of its cargo throughput reaching1000 million tons. Ningbo hadtrade with 211 countries and regions all around the world with theimport and export trade volume exceeding USD 100 billion for theyear 2018.
第21届展会概况The21th CICGF(CICGF )
展览面积:12万平方米 ExhibitingArea: 120,000m²
展位:5000个 Standard Booths:5,000
境外贸易团队:90余个 OverseasTrade Delegations: 90
境外贸易商: 20000余名 OverseasTraders: over 20,000
观众: 50000余名 ProfessionalAttendees: over 50,000
Application Procedure:
·Overseasenterprises should apply directly to the organizing committeeoffice of CICGF.
·Forexhibitors applying in group, booths will be allocated to the tradedelegation, and distributed by each delegations;
·Exhibitorsapplying with trade delegations are under the direct management ofthe trade delegations;
·Exhibitorsare required to remit booth fee to the designated account ofCICGF in time.
联系人(Person of Contact): 沈家霞Shenjiaxia(Miss.)