上海CES electronica 2024 慕尼黑国际电子元器件博览会
更新:2025-02-03 09:26 编号:31689085 发布IP: 浏览:5次- 发布企业
- 星美(深圳)国际展览有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第2年主体名称:星美(深圳)国际展览有限公司组织机构代码:91440300MA5H900X00
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- 人民币¥29800.00元每件
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- 30余个海外国家,消费类电子展,专业展会,欧洲展会,CES
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- 深圳市龙岗区龙岗街道南联社区龙岗大道(龙岗段)4003号B座702-11A(注册地址)
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展会名称:electronica 2024
展会时间:2024 年 11月 12 -15日
慕尼黑国际电子元器件博览会(electronica)始办于1964 年,每两年一届举办,如今已成为全球电子行业的dingji盛会。
上一届供有来自 50 个国家和地区的2595 家企业参展,其中58%来自海外,共接待专 业观众约72185 名。来自中东欧国家、台湾、巴西、南非和俄罗斯地区的观众数量超过了往年。 展商和观众都对 electronica展的成绩表示满意。
调查显示,齐全的参展产品和服务范围、展会在电子业界的lingxian地位、展会邀请业界重量级人物参加和展商的国际性是electronica Zui吸引人的因素。
作为全球电子行业投资热点之一的中国大陆,2014 年共有300 多家中国公司参展,展后的参展调研资料显示,有91%的展商表示参展效果非常好,并明确表示将继续参展。
•电子设计(ED / EDA);
展会报告(Show Reports):
electronica 2022 impressively confirms itsstatus as the world’s leading trade fair for electronics
2,144exhibitors showcased the entire range of electronics
Approximately 70,000 visitors with a high levelof internationality
Newrecord levels for exhibitor and visitor satisfaction
Anexcellent mood in 14 halls and intensive discussions at full tradefair booths: The international electronics industry met again inperson from November 15 to 18 at electronica 2022 in Munich. 2,144exhibitors, 64 percent of whom came from countries outside ofGermany, showcased innovations that covered the entire spectrum ofelectronics to about 70,000 visitors at this world leading tradefair. SEMICON Europa was held in parallel spread over just underone and a half halls.
A highly informative supporting programconsisting of conferences, forums and special events such as theCEO Roundtable explored the focus topics of the trade fair. Theprogram also served as an opportunity for discussions about currentglobal challenges, including the energy transition, supply chainbottlenecks, the scarcity of raw materials and shortages of skilledworkers.
“electronica 2022 impressively confirmed itsstatus as world leading trade fair and demonstrated once again thatMunich is THE trade fair location for the international electronicsindustry,” summarizes Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, CEO of Messe München.“We are delighted that the number of visitors was only around 14percent below the record result of 2018, and that the share ofinternational visitors at around 54 percent was even higher than atthe previous events—an outstanding result in these times. What’smore, according to the trade fair survey, our exhibitors andvisitors were more satisfied with electronica this year than everbefore.”
Dr.Gunther Kegel, President of ZVEI, the German Association of theElectronics and Digital Industry, noted that electronicahighlighted its position as a world-leading trade fair andconference platform for the electronics industry once again thisyear: “The mood is positive—back again live in Munich after fouryears, the booths were well-frequented, there were lots ofconversations and valuable contacts made. once again, we realizedone thing: Face-to-face contacts and direct discussions at tradefairs are irreplaceable.”
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