CIFF Guangzhou attracts over 380,000 professional visitors fromover 200 countries and regions to attend the fair. The visitorsmainlyconsist of professional trade buyers, designers, projectchannels, and manufacturers. it is the only furnishing falr inchina thatcomprehensively covers trade channel, design channel,domestic sales channel, export channel, e-commerce channel andemeraingchannels.
CIFF 2025
ClFF Guangzhou empowers visitors with "3C" Program: DesignerCommunity, Elite Community, and InterBiz Club. Meanwhile,ClFFGuangzhou innovates by launching online and ofline matchmakingevents, creating year-round close interactions betweenexhibitorsand visitors.
E/C 区- -餐客厅AreaE/C-Dining&Living
E1 号馆 餐厅设计馆 P36
P37E2 号馆 餐厅空间馆
P38E3 号馆 餐厅家具馆
E4 号馆 餐厅家具馆
E5 号馆 餐厅家具馆
E6 号馆 餐厅家具馆 P41
14.1号馆/现代家具馆 P42
15.1号馆/现代家具馆 P43
14,2 号馆 客厅家具馆 P4415.2号馆客厅设计馆 P4516.2 号馆 客厅空间馆 P4614.3 号馆客厅/现代家具馆 P4715.3号馆 客厅/现代家具馆 P4816.3 号馆 客厅/现代家具馆 P49天桥 P50